About Me

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I am a mother of 3 beautiful children. My girls are aged 9 & 5. My son Jaise would now be 3, however he will always be my baby boy because on 27.09.2010 he found his way into a NON comoliant backyard pool on a rental property in NSW while we were on holidays. He was air lifted to John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle and was put on life support. He has numerous tests including Xrays, MRI, CT scans and brain surgery over the next 2 days. Sadly he lost his battle and became a water angel at 10.30am September 29th 2010 aged 25 months.

23 October 2012

Tuesday, 23rd October 2012

Today is a milestone in my life that I will never forget.
Tuesday, 23rd October 2012 is the day the NSW government officially recognized my hard work, tears and most importantly, my son Jaise.

NSW Pool Laws changed today and Jaise's Law was acknowledged by Minister Don Page through his media release and now Jaise's Legacy is in place.

If it wasn't for my beautiful little man, I wouldn't have pushed with every emotion I had, to have these laws changed. It is more than likely these changes would still be 'in the piplines'.

As I sit on the lounge now watching my daughters play and watch some TV, I can't help but feel sad.
Don't get me wrong, I'm very very happy with what today has bought, but also heartbroken because my little Jaise had to die to make these changes possible.

I have some advice for everyone out there...
Firstly never waste time worrying about the little things. Cherish every moment you have with your friends and loved ones.

Take photos!! Take photos of everything and everyone. Memories are precious and I am glad I took so many photos... Because one day my girls may not remember everything about Jaise, luckily I have plenty of photos for them.
If you ever feel strongly about ANYTHING, then you need to fight for it. Ask fr help if you need it and do not give up!! My fight is proof that if you want something bad enough you can achieve it!

I leave you tonight with these last words....

Watch your children in and around the water.
NEVER leave a child unattended in a bath, pool, dam, beach or any other body of water.
Dont prop open pool gates or intentionally tamper with the fencing or locks.
If it needs fixing, FIX it, dont put it off because thats death waiting for a victim.
Lasty, never EVER leave an older child in charge of younger chidren around water.

1 comment:

  1. Because you can't watch your fucking child we all have to pay?


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